
100 Einträge « 1 von 2 »


Röhrig, Christof; Heß, Daniel; Trinh, Buu Hai Dang: Trajectory Tracking Control Scheme for a Mobile Welding Manipulator driven by Differential Drive Steering Units. In: Proceedings of the 50th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2024), S. 1–6, Chicago, 2024. (Typ: Proceedings Article | BibTeX)
Ulrich, Silas; Tiemann, Janis; Lewandowski, Andreas; Röhrig, Christof: In-Production Benchmarking for Automatic Detection of Position Errors in Indoor Localization. In: Proceedings of the Work-in-Progress Papers at the 14th International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN-WiP 2024), Hong Kong, 2024. (Typ: Proceedings Article | BibTeX)
Krüger, Jan Erik; Miller, Alexander; Lel, Alexander; Erbach, Lars; Unkrig, René; Röhrig, Christof: EduRob: An Educational Robot for Teaching Kinematics of Wheeled Mobile Robots. In: Balogh, Richard; Obdržálek, David; Fislake, Martin (Hrsg.): Robotics in Education, S. 283–294, Springer Nature Switzerland, Cham, 2024, ISBN: 978-3-031-67059-6. (Typ: Proceedings Article | Abstract | Links | BibTeX)
González-Palacio, Mauricio; Tobón-Vallejo, Diana; Sepúlveda-Cano, Lina M.; Mauricio, Mario; Röhrig, Christof; Le, Long Bao: Machine-Learning-Assisted Transmission Power Control for LoRaWAN Considering Environments With High Signal-to-Noise Variation. In: IEEE Access, Bd. 12, S. 54449-54470, 2024. (Typ: Artikel | Links | BibTeX)


Lel, Alexander; Miller, Alexander; Sekin, Valerij; Kriebisch, Susann; Bruder, Ralf; Röhrig, Christof; Straßmann, Thomas: A Modularization Concept for Mobile Robots in Search and Rescue Applications. In: 2023 IEEE International Symposium on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics (SSRR), Fukushima, Japan, 2023. (Typ: Proceedings Article | BibTeX)
Röhrig, Christof; Heß, Daniel; Trinh, Buu Hai Dang; Parys, Mathias: Kinematic Modeling and Motion Control of an Omnidirectional Mobile Manipulator driven by Differential Drive Steering Units. In: Proceedings of the 49th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2023), S. 1-6, Singapore, 2023, ISBN: 979-8-3503-3182-0. (Typ: Proceedings Article | Links | BibTeX)
Heß, Daniel; Trinh, Buu Hai Dang; Parys, Mathias; Röhrig, Christof: MobileRobot: Control of a Redundant Kinematic using Drive-Steering Modules for Mobile Manipulation. In: Proceedings of the 56th International Symposium on Robotics (ISR Europe), S. 176–183, Stuttgart, Germany, 2023, ISBN: 978-3-8007-6140-1. (Typ: Proceedings Article | BibTeX)
Ulrich, Silas; Luong, Tommy; Moldovan, Christian; Tiemann, Janis; Lewandowski, Andreas; Röhrig, Christof: System Architecture for Digital Twin based Collision Avoidance through Private 5G Networks. In: Proceedings of the 2023 IEEE 12th International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems: Technology and Applications (IDAACS), S. 199–204, Dortmund, Germany, 2023, ISBN: 979-8-3503-5805-6. (Typ: Proceedings Article | Links | BibTeX)


Stampa, Merlin; Jahn, Uwe; Fruhner, Daniel; Streckert, Tim; Röhrig, Christof: Scenario and system concept for a firefighting UAV-UGV team. In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotic Computing 2022 (IRC 2022), S. 253–256, Naples, Italy, 2022, ISBN: 978-1-6654-7260-9. (Typ: Proceedings Article | Links | BibTeX)
Müller, Marcel; Röhrig, Christof: Angle of arrival estimation in the presence of phase difference ambiguities. In: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation 2022 (IPIN 2022), S. 1-7, Beijing, China, 2022, ISBN: 978-1-7281-6218-8. (Typ: Proceedings Article | Links | BibTeX)
Schweigert, Anneliese; Blesing, Christian; Röhrig, Christof: Deep Learning Based Online Semantic Mapping for Automated Guided Vehicles in Indoor Intralogistics Environments. In: Proceedings of the 54th International Symposium on Robotics (ISR 2022), S. 292–298, Munich, Germany, 2022, ISBN: 978-3-8007-5891-3. (Typ: Proceedings Article | BibTeX)
Miller, Alexander; Lel, Alexander; Röhrig, Christof; Straßmann, Thomas; Eichmann, Jens; Kremer, Felix; Soltau, Stefan: Development of an autonomous fire extinguishing robot. In: Proceedings of the 54th International Symposium on Robotics (ISR 2022), S. 263–269, Munich, Germany, 2022, ISBN: 978-3-8007-5891-3. (Typ: Proceedings Article | Links | BibTeX)
Schmelter, Steffen; Röhrig, Christof: Two Staged ANN Based UWB Ranging Error Mitigation for Real Time Self Localization on Mobile Robots. In: Proceedings of the 54th International Symposium on Robotics (ISR 2022), S. 166–173, Munich, Germany, 2022, ISBN: 978-3-8007-5891-3. (Typ: Proceedings Article | Links | BibTeX)


Stampa, Merlin; Sutorma, Andreas; Jahn, Uwe; Thiem, Jörg; Wolff, Carsten; Röhrig, Christof: Maturity levels of public safety applications using unmanned aerial systems: a review. In: Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, Bd. 103, Nr. 16, S. 1–15, 2021. (Typ: Artikel | Links | BibTeX)
Kruijff-Korbayová, Ivana; Grafe, Robert; Heidemann, Nils; Berrang, Alexander; Hussung, Cai; Willms, Christian; Fettke, Peter; Beul, Marius; Quenzel, Jan; Schleich, Daniel; Behnke, Sven; Tiemann, Janis; Güldenring, Johannes; Patchou, Manuel; Arendt, Christian; Wietfeld, Christian; Daun, Kevin; Schnaubelt, Marius; Stryk, Oskar; Lel, Alexander; Miller, Alexander; Röhrig, Christof; Straßmann, Thomas; Barz, Thomas; Soltau, Stefan; Kremer, Felix; Rilling, Stefan; Haseloff, Rohan; Grobelny, Stefan; Leinweber, Artur; Senkowski, Gerhard; Thurow, Marc; Slomma, Dominik; Surmann, Hartmut: German Rescue Robotics Center (DRZ): A Holistic Approach for Robotic Systems Assisting in Emergency Response. In: 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics (SSRR), S. 138–145, 2021. (Typ: Proceedings Article | Links | BibTeX)


Jahn, Uwe; Heß, Daniel; Stampa, Merlin; Sutorma, Andreas; Röhrig, Christof; Schulz, Peter; Wolff, Carsten: A Taxonomy for Mobile Robots: Types, Applications, Capabilities, Implementations, Requirements, and Challenges. In: Robotics, Bd. 9, Nr. 4, S. 109, 2020, ISSN: 2218-6581. (Typ: Artikel | Links | BibTeX)
Heß, Daniel; Röhrig, Christof: Robust and Precise Localization of Mobile Robots using Finite Impulse Response Estimation for Fusing Odometry with Position Measurements. In: Proceedings of the 52th International Symposium on Robotics (ISR 2020), S. 37-43, online event, 2020, ISBN: 978-3-8007-5428-1. (Typ: Proceedings Article | BibTeX)
Stampa, Merlin; Sutorma, Andreas; Jahn, Uwe; Felix, Willich; Pratzler-Wanczura, Silvia; Thiem, Jörg; Röhrig, Christof; Wolff, Carsten: A Scenario for a Multi-UAV Mapping and Surveillance System in Emergency Response Applications. In: 2020 IEEE 5th International Symposium on Smart and Wireless Systems within the Conferences on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems (IDAACS-SWS), S. 1-6, Dortmund, Germany, 2020. (Typ: Proceedings Article | Links | BibTeX)
Schmelter, Steffen; Fühner, Claus; Röhrig, Christof: Container Filling Level Estimation using Vibration Resonance Behavior. In: 2020 IEEE 5th International Symposium on Smart and Wireless Systems within the Conferences on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems (IDAACS-SWS), S. 1-6, Dortmund, Germany, 2020. (Typ: Proceedings Article | Links | BibTeX)
Jahn, Uwe; Stampa, Merlin; Sutorma, Andreas; Willich, Felix; Thiem, Jörg; Röhrig, Christof; Wolff, Carsten: A Recommendation for a Systems Engineering Process and System Architecture for UAS. In: 2020 IEEE 3rd International Conference and Workshop in Óbuda on Electrical and Power Engineering (CANDO-EPE), S. 91–96, 2020. (Typ: Proceedings Article | Links | BibTeX)
Röhrig, Christof; Heß, Daniel: Mobile Manipulation for Human-Robot Collaboration in Intralogistics. In: Ao, S. -I.; Kim, H.; Huang, X.; Castillo, O.; Chan, A.; Katagiri, H. (Hrsg.): IAENG Transactions on Engineering Sciences - Special Issue for the International Association of Engineers Conferences 2019, S. 1-20, World Scientific, 2020, ISBN: 978-981-121-508-7. (Typ: Buchabschnitt | Links | BibTeX)


Röhrig, Christof; Heß, Daniel: OmniMan: A Mobile Assistive Robot for Intralogistics Applications. In: Engineering Letters, Bd. 27, Nr. 4, S. 893-900, 2019, ISSN: 1816-0948. (Typ: Artikel | Links | BibTeX)
Röhrig, Christof; Heß, Daniel: OmniMan: An Omnidirectional Mobile Manipulator for Human-Robot Collaboration. In: Proceedings of the International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 2019 (IMECS 2019), S. 55-60, Hong Kong, 2019, ISBN: 978-988-14048-5-5. (Typ: Proceedings Article | Links | BibTeX)


Celik, Aylin; Hormann, Reiner; Oelker, Jan; Röhrig, Christof: Hierarchische Algorithmen in ambienten Systemen. In: Tagungsband -- Active Assisted Living -- Wissenschaftskongress 2018, Karlsruhe, Deutschland, 2018. (Typ: Proceedings Article | BibTeX)
Heß, Daniel; Röhrig, Christof: Pose Estimation of Mobile Robots with Quantized Measurements using EFIR Filtering: Experimental comparison with the EKF. In: Proceedings of the 50th International Symposium on Robotics (ISR 2018), S. 248-254, Munich, Germany, 2018, ISBN: 978-3-8007-4699-6. (Typ: Proceedings Article | Links | BibTeX)
Stampa, Merlin; Müller, Marcel; Heß, Daniel; Röhrig, Christof: Semi-automatic Calibration of UWB Range Measurements for an Autonomous Mobile Robot. In: Proceedings of the 50th International Symposium on Robotics (ISR 2018), S. 300-305, Munich, Germany, 2018, ISBN: 978-3-8007-4699-6. (Typ: Proceedings Article | BibTeX)
Bleja, Jelena; Großmann, Uwe; Horster, Bettina; Roß, André; Löhrke, Enrico; Röhrig, Christof; Oelker, Jan; Celik, Aylin; Hormann, Reiner: IoT-Systems of the AAL-Sector: Application Business Model Data Privacy. In: Dependable IoT for Human and Industry: Modeling, Architecting, Implementation, S. 455-476, River Publishers, 2018, ISBN: 978-87-7022-014-9. (Typ: Buchabschnitt | BibTeX)


Röhrig, Christof; Heß, Daniel; Künemund, Frank: Motion Controller Design for a Mecanum Wheeled Mobile Manipulator. In: Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA 2017), S. 444-449, Kohala Coast, Hawai'i, USA, 2017. (Typ: Proceedings Article | Links | BibTeX)
Kuhfuß, Christoph; Schriewer, Jörn; Ax, Thomas; Lategahn, Julian; Röhrig, Christof: Indoor-Navigation mittels Bluetooth Low Energy unter Android. In: Böckmann, Britta; Preis, Robert; Schmidtmann, Achim (Hrsg.): Schriftenreihe des Fachbereichs Informatik der Fachhochschule Dortmund, Bd. 3, S. 17-26, tredition GmbH, Hamburg, Dortmund, Deutschland, 2017, ISBN: 978-3-7439-1190-1. (Typ: Buchabschnitt | BibTeX)
Röhrig, Christof; Heß, Daniel; Künemund, Frank: Pose Estimation of Mobile Robots Using Floor-Installed RFID Tags. In: Ao, S. -I.; Kim, H.; Huang, X.; Castillo, O. (Hrsg.): Transactions on Engineering Technologies, IMECS 2016, S. 1-15, Springer, 2017, ISBN: 978-981-10-3949-2. (Typ: Buchabschnitt | Links | BibTeX)


Schrader, Raffael; Ax, Thomas; Röhrig, Christof; Fühner, Claus: Advertising Power Consumption of Bluetooth Low Energy Systems. In: Proceedings of the 3st IEEE International Symposium on Wireless Systems within the Conferences on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems (IDAACS-SWS'2016), S. 62-68, Offenburg, Germany, 2016, ISBN: 978-1-5090-4316-3. (Typ: Proceedings Article | Links | BibTeX)
Kuhfuß, Christoph; Schriewer, Jörn; Ax, Thomas; Lategahn, Julian; Röhrig, Christof: Android-Applikation zur Indoor-Navigation mittels OpenStreetMap und Bluetooth Low Energy. In: Tagungsband 13. GI/ITG KuVS Fachgespräch Ortsbezogene Anwendungen und Dienste, Jena, Deutschland, 2016. (Typ: Proceedings Article | BibTeX)
Röhrig, Christof; Heß, Daniel; Künemund, Frank: RFID-Based Localization of Mobile Robots Using the Received Signal Strength Indicator of Detected Tags. In: Engineering Letters, Bd. 24, Nr. 3, S. 338-346, 2016, ISSN: 1816-0948. (Typ: Artikel | Links | BibTeX)
Künemund, Frank; Heß, Daniel; Röhrig, Christof: Energy Efficient Kinodynamic Motion Planning for Holonomic AGVs in Industrial Applications using State Lattices. In: Proceedings of the 47th International Symposium on Robotics (ISR 2016), S. 459-466, Munich, Germany, 2016, ISBN: 978-3-8007-4231-8. (Typ: Proceedings Article | BibTeX)
Heß, Daniel; Künemund, Frank; Röhrig, Christof: Simultaneous Calibration of Odometry and external Sensors of Omnidirectional Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs). In: Proceedings of the 47th International Symposium on Robotics (ISR 2016), S. 480-487, Munich, Germany, 2016, ISBN: 978-3-8007-4231-8. (Typ: Proceedings Article | BibTeX)
Lategahn, Julian; Ax, Thomas; Röhrig, Christof: Multi Hypothesis Kalman-Filter for Indoor Pedestrian Navigation Based on Topological Maps. In: Proceedings of the IEEE/ION Position Location and Navigation Symposium 2016 (PLANS 2016), S. 607-612, Savannah, Georgia, USA, 2016. (Typ: Proceedings Article | Links | BibTeX)
Lategahn, Julian; Ax, Thomas; Röhrig, Christof: Indoor-Personenlokalisierung auf topologischen Gebäudeplänen mit Hilfe eines Multi-Hypothesen Kalman-Filters. In: Böckmann, Britta; Preis, Robert; Schmidtmann, Achim (Hrsg.): Schriftenreihe des Fachbereichs Informatik der Fachhochschule Dortmund, Bd. 2, S. 9-20, Monsenstein und Vannerdat, Dortmund, Deutschland, 2016, ISBN: 978-3-95645-774-6. (Typ: Buchabschnitt | BibTeX)
Röhrig, Christof; Heß, Daniel; Künemund, Frank: Global Localization of Mobile Robots Using Signal Strength Readings from Floor-Installed RFID Transponders. In: Proceedings of the International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 2016 (IMECS 2016), S. 179-184, Hong Kong, 2016, ISBN: 978-988-19253-8-1. (Typ: Proceedings Article | Links | BibTeX)


Ax, Thomas; Lategahn, Julian; Röhrig, Christof: Evaluation von BLE-Beacon im Kontext von Indoor-Navigationsanwendungen. In: Tagungsband 12. GI/ITG KuVS Fachgespräch Ortsbezogene Anwendungen und Dienste, S. 59-68, Siegen, Deutschland, 2015, ISBN: 978-3-8325-4395-2. (Typ: Proceedings Article | BibTeX)
Stampa, Merlin; Künemund, Frank; Heß, Daniel; Röhrig, Christof: Estimation of Energy Consumption on Arbitrary Trajectories of an Omnidirectional Automated Guided Vehicle. In: Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Workshop on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems: Technology and Applications (IDAACS'2015), S. 873-878, Warsaw, Poland, 2015, ISBN: 978-1-4673-8359-2. (Typ: Proceedings Article | Links | BibTeX)
Celik, Aylin; Oelker, Jan; Künemund, Frank; Röhrig, Christof: Automatische Vitaldatenerfassung über ein Bluetooth Low Energy -- Netzwerk. In: Tagungsband -- Ambient Assisted Living -- 8. Deutscher AAL-Kongress 2015, S. 168-177, Frankfurt, Deutschland, 2015, ISBN: 978-3-8007-3901-1. (Typ: Proceedings Article | BibTeX)
Lategahn, Julian; Ax, Thomas; Müller, Marcel; Röhrig, Christof: Topological Localization with Bluetooth Low Energy in Office Buildings. In: Proceedings of the 1st GI Expert Talk on Localization, S. 17-19, Lübeck, Germany, 2015, ISSN: 0935-3232. (Typ: Proceedings Article | Links | BibTeX)
Röhrig, Christof; Lategahn, Julian; Müller, Marcel; Kolibius, Raoul: Anwendung von Real Time Locating Systems (RTLS) in der Sicherungstechnik -- Verfahren und Technologien von Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) bis Ultra Wide Band (UWB). In: Tagungsband Innosecure 2015, S. 31-39, Velbert, Deutschland, 2015, ISBN: 978-3-86359-299-8. (Typ: Proceedings Article | Links | BibTeX)
Röhrig, Christof; Heß, Daniel; Künemund, Frank: Constrained Kalman Filtering for Indoor Localization of Transport Vehicles Using Floor-Installed HF RFID Transponders. In: Proceedings of the 9th Annual IEEE International Conference on RFID (IEEE RFID 2015), S. 113-120, San Diego, CA USA, 2015, ISBN: 978-1-47991-938-3. (Typ: Proceedings Article | Links | BibTeX)


Lottis, Angela; Bastert, Torben; Heß, Daniel; Röhrig, Christof: Safe@Home -- Ein drahtloses Assistenzsystem mit integrierter Personenlokalisierung. In: Böckmann, B.; Preis, R.; Schmidtmann, A. (Hrsg.): Schriftenreihe des Fachbereichs Informatik der Fachhochschule Dortmund, Bd. 1, S. 115-134, Monsenstein und Vannerdat, Dortmund, Deutschland, 2014, ISBN: 978-3-95645-465-3. (Typ: Buchabschnitt | BibTeX)
Künemund, Frank; Heß, Daniel; Wißing, Matthias; Röhrig, Christof: Online Kinodynamic Motion Planning for Omnidirectional Automatic Guided Vehicles. In: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision, (ICARCV 2014), S. 1778-1783, Singapore, 2014. (Typ: Proceedings Article | Links | BibTeX)
Gerke, Michael; Masár, Ivan; Borgolte, Ullrich; Röhrig, Christof: Airborne Data Collection from Farmland Areas with Distributed, Large-Scale Sensor Nets. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Plant Factory 2014 (ICPF 2014), Kyoto, Japan, 2014. (Typ: Proceedings Article | BibTeX)
Lategahn, Julian; Müller, Marcel; Röhrig, Christof: Robust Pedestrian Localization in Indoor Environments with an IMU Aided TDoA System. In: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation 2014 (IPIN 2014), S. 465-472, Busan, Korea, 2014. (Typ: Proceedings Article | Links | BibTeX)
Bastert, Torben; Künemund, Frank; Röhrig, Christof: Development of a Fall Detection System and Comparison with Commercial Systems for Home Care. In: Proceedings of the 48th DGBMT Annual Conference (BMT 2014), S. S462 - S465, Hannover, Germany, 2014, ISSN: 0013-5585. (Typ: Proceedings Article | Links | BibTeX)
Lottis, Angela; Künemund, Frank; Weinbörner, C.; Röhrig, Christof: Open iCare Assistant -- Open Intelligent Infrastructure for Supporting Nursing Services in Home Care. In: Proceedings of the 48th DGBMT Annual Conference (BMT 2014), S. S467 - S470, Hannover, Germany, 2014, ISSN: 0013-5585. (Typ: Proceedings Article | Links | BibTeX)
100 Einträge « 1 von 2 »